Monday, November 10, 2008


Boy, did I have a busy Sunday! In the morning I visited with two of my closest friends from high school and their beautiful little children. I hope they don't mind that I spent most of our time together behind my camera, but with faces like these all around me, how could I resist?

Here's Jake. Frankly, I'm surprised I got this many of him. He was all over the place and would not give me the time of day!

Ella. What a doll. I don't think you can take a bad picture of this face.

Baby Teya. Another sweetheart. She slept through much of our visit, but I was able to grab a few shots of her while the older kids ran around outside.

After my visit with them I headed over to my grandmother's house where I hung out with my cousin, Alexa:

And to top it all off, my adorable niece, Mazey, showed up and dazzled us all with her imitation of The Gerber Baby.

And, because sometimes I have the humor of a 7th grader, here's a shot of Mazey flipping me the bird. She thinks she's pretty cute, huh?

How could I leave out this lovely face?


Deanna Kaye Photography said...

ADORABLE!! What gorgeous kids! And that last shot... priceless. :)

Orchard Cove Photography said...

What an adorable gaggle of kids. The big eyes are just to die for. And Mazy is getting big....and fresh ;)

Traci @ Tru Blu Photography said...

Oh my goodness I could just eat Mazey up she is so ridiculously cute!!! How did she get so big?
The pics of Jake are great and Ella & Teya are just beautiful!
Great Job!

Robin Dini Photography said...

wow! those shots of the little girl are amazing! such beautiful editing on these Eileen!

Erik Maziarz said...

kids kids EVERYWHERE! great shots!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a fun time! Ella is just the cutest thing ever - I feel like you were able to capture her little spirit and those eyes (oh my gosh, those eyes!) so well. The bird-flippage cracked me up.

Val McCormick Photography said...

Hey there, I REALLY enjoyed these. What beautiful children. Ella's little heart lips and chunky cheeks melts my heart. Mazy is growing SO FAST! She could actually pass as yours; she looks so much like you. :-) Love how Mazy flipped you off; the get fresh at such a young age ;-)

Sarma & Co. said...

I would have stayed behind the camera too with all those kids in their cute suits! Your friends are lucky you brought your camera with you that day.


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