Monday, May 26, 2008

The Countdown Begins...

Baby Mazey is due to arrive in just a few short weeks! I spent the afternoon with my beautiful, pregnant sister Jen and her man, Geno. Haven't had a chance to do much more than upload the photos, but be on the lookout for a new batch in the coming days. In the meantime, here is a favorite belly shot:


Anonymous said...

Ooo, how exciting for your family! GREAT belly shot - I really love that pose and the lighting. Can't wait to see more pictures!

Robin Dini Photography said...

that is a gorgeous belly shot. i love the light and the clean lines in the composition. the crib in the background is a nice touch :) congrats auntie.

Amanda Harris said...

Love the composition and lighting - beautiful! Hope to see you tomorrow :)

Jaci Clark said...

OOO, really nice! You did a beautiful job! Can't wait to see more! Are you doing the birth too?


Aimee Thomas Oswalt said...

That's an awesome shot!


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