Sunday, May 4, 2008

Everything but the Kitchen Sink...

Well. That and countertops.
We demolished our kitchen 2 months ago. And it all started with a leaking faucet!
We weren't happy with the kitchen as it was anyway, but remodeling it seemed like a dream for the future. But our sink was leaking. And leaking. We "fixed" the faucet a while back, but it turns out it was leaking underneath and behind the plumbing and let's face it--we let it go for way too long. So then we had mold. And the countertop was spongey. So it went from buying a new sink to gutting the whole thing! If we have to replace the countertop, we might as well get new cabinets. If we're getting new cabinets we might as well knock down that pantry wall and make more room...
We're totally excited about the new kitchen. And so ready to be able to cook our own food again! All we have eaten for the last 2 months is take-out, cereal, and things that fit in a toaster oven! (I've gained 5 pounds--ugh.) We're washing our dishes in the bathroom sink.
Countertops come tomorrow. And the sink! We'll be almost completely done! I'll post some real before and afters once they're in. Here's the demolition:
My Dad surveys the situation.
Tim supervises while my Dad works. ;)

Finn looks oddly proud of our mold problem.

This is our makeshift kitchen in the dining room. It's a little better organized now, but no less crowded or annoying! Stay tuned...

1 comment:

Traci @ Tru Blu Photography said...

Your "makeshift kitchen" room looks tidy for all the stuff that is probably in it! Are you ready to scream yet?? You'll have so much fun in the kitchen when its done. . .exciting! Liz and I will throw ya a new kitchen party!! :-)


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