Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Happy Mother's Day, Gramma

This post is a few days late, but still worth writing. My sweet grandmother turned 95 years old this year. And, as I like to say, "She's 95, and she could still kick my ass!"

She truly is like no other 95 year old woman you have ever met. She has this spunk, this fire that is just amazing. She raised 6 children and was married to my grandfather for more than 65 years. They were a sight to be seen. Grampa was madly in love with her until the day he passed away. He used to tell complete strangers how long they'd been married, how old she was, "She looks pretty good for 94, don't ya think?"

I know she would hate this picture if she saw it. All she would see are the wrinkles. But all I see is her beauty. And a life well-lived.


Salty Grapes said...

She is unbelievably beautiful. Just stunning. Truly. I cannot believe she is 95... what an incredible life she has had! Your grampa was a lucky man. They sounded incredibly sweet. =)

E. Broderick Photography said...


Thanks for the comment. My grampa was indeed a lucky man--and he knew it! She lucked out with him, too. They were a match made in heaven.

Anonymous said...

What a sweet post! She really is beautiful and sounds like an amazing woman.

Tina Parsadanov said...

How sweet! I teared up. Your grandma looks amazing for her age and it's amazing that she is still alert. You are very lucky, make sure you talk to her lots while you can. You can never get this time back once it's gone.


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