Sunday, January 18, 2009

Best of Finn 2008

I can't believe my little man turned four. I thought about doing a slideshow of his first 4 years but since the photos are all over the place and on more than one computer, I figured I'd start small and do a more manageable project. Here is a selection of my favorite photos of Finn from the year 2008. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Super seriously adorable photos in there, Eileen! I love that I can see who Finn is without ever having met him, because you seem to have captured so many different moments and expressions. The pensive shots in the grass are amazing, and the one of a balled-up Finn under a counter (?) is so funny (even if he didn't think it was funny at the time). Love this!

E. Broderick Photography said...

Thanks, Susan. ;) The one of him under the counter is his "awesome hiding spot." He really didn't think I could find him!

Robin Dini Photography said...

OMG. seriously? Could he look any more like you? Some of those expressions have momma written all over them! It's funny how in some shots he looks "older" and others he has that little boy look to him. Does that make sense? So cute. My favorite is his anticipation when he blew out his birthday candles. I remember your narrative from that blog post :)

I miss ya lady! I feel like it's been forever. I'll go Facebook harass you now :)


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