Tuesday, February 10, 2009

How Much Do I Love My Mazey?

I spent the morning with my sister and my sweet niece, Mazey. There will definitely more to come, but I had to post at least one shot of this little face.

She gets keeps getting sweeter and cuter!!


Orchard Cove Photography said...

So adorable! And LOVE the new logo!!

Katie Slater Photography said...

Oh my gosh, she is so cute! I can totally see some of you in her (even though she is your sister's)! I second Amanda - what an awesome new logo and header!!! :)

Elizabeth and Frank said...

Sweet cheeks!

Eric Foley said...

What a cutie! How precious.

Anonymous said...

She IS getting cuter and cuter! (The watermark/stamp looks GREAT on the image, too! It's so perfect.)

Robin Dini Photography said...

so freakin' cute!!!!


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