Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Dear Santa,

The other night Tim sat down with Finn to draft his letter to Santa. He decided to make Finn really work at it this year! Almost every word that follows is straight from Finn's mouth with little or no "cleaning up" by Tim. We prodded him with questions and suggestions like, "Santa doesn't know you so why don't you tell him about yourself..." Here it is:

December 17th 2008

Dear Santa,

Hi Santa, my name is Finn Patrick Broderick. I live in XXXX, Connecticut. I am three years old, but I am going to be four years old on Christmas Day!!

I am best buddies with my cousin Nathaniel. He lives in Massachusetts.

Some days a week I go to XXX. XXX is a place where I go and do crafts, play, work, eat lunch, clean up, make good friends. Some of my friends are Shelby, Jimmy, Erin, Kaiden, Jake, and Cassidy, and Allison.

Other days I go to Grandma and Grandpa’s house. And I meet Mazey and Sophie. And I eat all my food at breakfast. I eat meatballs all day! (Random embellishment.)

Me: What kind of boy are you?

I am half-medium. That means I’m short. I watch movies like Bigfoot. That is a Monster Truck.

Tim: You need to tell Santa about what a good boy you are. What do good boys do?

I say “please”…I say “thank you”….and I also don’t want to talk about this anymore.

I sleep all night, almost all the time. I throw up sometimes, but not all the times. I get a Kleenex at the night when I need a tissue. Kleenex is another word for tissue. I always say “Kleenex Town” when I see a Kleenex in my room.

I flush the toilet and always wash my hands. I do good listening. When grow-ups do what they tell me to do, I do it.

I play hide and seek whenever I don’t make noise.

I don’t talk with food in my mouth….I don’t put my elbows on the table. I wait to get off the table until everybody else is done eating.

I would like to have a Spyglass….a Transformer vehicle…..a Haunted House that has toys to hunt with.

Santa, may I please have these things.

Sincerely yours,

Finn Patrick Broderick


Orchard Cove Photography said...

OH MY GOD! He is SUCH a cutie! I love hearing Finn stories and I'm so glad you're writing this down - he may kill you one day....but he'll also be glad to have it!

carla ten eyck said...

This is SO freaking CUTE!

I don't want to talk about this anymore


Traci @ Tru Blu Photography said...

I'm so glad you posted this!!!! This is classic Finn, so cute! You definitely have to save this.

Anonymous said...

Awwwwww! Oh my gosh, thank you for that. How incredibly totally completely adorable. "Half-medium" cracked me up, and the list of what good boys do is so sweet. He does sound like a very good boy! Santa must be so impressed and proud.

Robin Dini Photography said...

that is so cute! i'm so glad you posted that! Adorable!

Val McCormick Photography said...

So freaking cute! I love the half medium and how he was sure to explain who BigFoot is. What a great memory to have Eileen! LOVE IT!


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