Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Thought For the Day...

Okay, so I get these emails everyday from Real Simple--the Daily Thought. And so many of them are great that I don't delete them and now my mailbox is getting way too full of Thoughts! Lots of them are just good reminders of what is important in life, but a suprising number of them apply to my photography-life in particular. I save them because I have it in mind that I will post a quote with a fitting image of my own but I never seem to get around to it.

Here's a favorite:

"The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live."

— Flora Whittemore

So many of us just let our lives happen to us and forget that we have so much power to decide what happens in our lives...We can create possibilities for ourselves and we can choose not to put our time and energy into things that do not feed us...


Robin Dini Photography said...


Amanda Harris said...

What a coincidence - the daily thought is one of the few daily emails I can put up with. Whenever I find a good one I put it in my quote book - they have some REALLY good ones. I miss you!

Jaci Clark said...

I think this is a much better quote than the one you posted:

"We can create possibilities for ourselves and we can choose not to put our time and energy into things that do not feed us..."

Well said! :)


E. Broderick Photography said...


Love the new avatar. UR a BABE.

Thanks for the comment; it actually took a second for me to catch on that you were quoting me! LOL.

Amanda--miss you too!

Unknown said...

I agree with Jaci! Very fitting for me, especially lately!


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